Founder & creative director based in Brooklyn & LA.



Hey, Alex here. I’m a creative director and entrepreneur from Montreal. For close to a decade, I’ve helped build brands that you love (hopefully) at Saint-Urbain. Like most businesses created from the ground up, it’s a been a journey and the experience has taught me a lot. While Saint-Urbain continues to hum along, working to be the best creative agency on earth, I am also a partner in several other businesses.




Recent Interview in The Brand Identity

Alex Ostroff on Saint Urbain’s cosmic new site and creating unique voices that tell amazing stories” Link here.



Front of House

(Acquired by Blackbird XYZ in Winter 2022.



Cob Foods

(Coming Fall 2023)



Opposing Forces

(Coming Spring 2024)



My Philosophy

As the great Kim Catrall said, “I don’t want to be in a situation for even an hour where I’m not enjoying myself”. This might seem a bit far-fetched and I’m definitely more of an SJP, but it’s always my north star. Life’s too short to not be doing what you love with people who get you, at all times.


Working Together

I like working with partners, who are passionate, but don’t take themselves too seriously, enjoy meetings that are roughly 67% jokes and like me, want to create unique + memorable brands/experiences that people love.